Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cakey Nose Prevent How Can I Prevent My Makeup From Looking Cakey And Obvious And Going Into The Pores?

How can I prevent my makeup from looking cakey and obvious and going into the pores? - cakey nose prevent

First, I, 7 months pregnant and my skin, of course, am not acting normal! But in recent months, my skin combo is still the subject of fraud, I tried my foundation with lotion, the clean air, or the use of bait are mixed, but dont work! it seems that's my makeup in every small town on the wrong track, and my nose is a little bit, and make-up emphsizes peeled just that! it looks like the entrance of every pore! and my pores are not large at all, I have tried to cover, then set, but not slip and is capable of flawless see!


  1. uh ... wore no makeup at all?

  2. Masking leave your car. Simply insert the chin and face the world. then there are no surprises in the morning. lol



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