Saturday, January 23, 2010

Barbie My House Where Can I Find A Pink And White A Frame Barbie House?

Where can I find a pink and white A frame Barbie house? - barbie my house

The time is very, 70s early 80s. I had one when I was younger, and I want one for my daughter. I wish you all the parts (windows, doors, etc. to be) intact. I tried e-Bay and did not have much luck. I prefer the pink and white house, because it is a I had. It must be so equipped, I'm just looking for a home.

Thank you!


  1. You can try join, go to their area and ask - it costs money. You're lucky, you might not, however, is the whole question of organization that people want things and others like them to move. It is strictly for free - is unethical group buy / sell things. Either that, or with a specialist ITE Barbie and pay through the nose.
    Good luck.

  2. Dealing with auctions on eBay or Yahoo is likely that a person has a right end view of shipping chances now.good 's.

  3. eBay thats begin



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